Menu principale:
Nao sei se è amor que tens...
Nao sei se è amor que tens, ou amor que finges,
O que me dàs. Dàs-
Jà que o nao sou por tempo,
Seja eu jovem por erro.
Pouco os deuses nos dao, e o pouco è falso.
Porèm, se o dao, falso que seja, a dàdiva
E’ verdadeira. Aceito.
Cerro olhos: è bastante.
Que mas quero?
Azur ivoire ton corps
Amour à deux mains
Mon amie bien-
Chaque soir sur la poitrine
De notre amour.
Love thou thy dream
All base love scorning,
Love thou the wind
And here take warning
That dreams alone can truly be,
For ‘tis in dream I come to thee.
Of so what so sweet imprisonment
Of so what so sweet imprisonment
My soul, dearest, is fain -
Soft arms that woo me to relent
And woo me to detain.
Ah, could they ever hold me there,
Glady were I a prisoner!
…Et voilà
Un marin a quittè la mer
Son bateau a quittè le port
Et le roi a quittè la reine
Un avare a quittè son or voilà
Un veuve a quittè le deuil
Une folle a quittè .’asile
Et ton scurire a quittè mes lèvres voilà
Tu me quitteras
Tu me quitteras
Tu me quitteras
Tu me reviendras
Tu m’èpouseras
Tu m’èpouseras
Le couteau èpouse la plaie
Le caresses èpousent le menaces voilà
Et le feu èpouse la glace
Et la mort èpouse la vie
Comme la vie èpouse l’amour
Tu m’èpouseras
Tu m’èpouseras
Tu m’èpouseras.
From the Garden
Come, my beloved,
consider the lilies.
We are of little faith.
We talk too much.
Put your mouthful of words away
and come with me to watch
the lilies open in such a field,
growing there like yachts,
slowly steering their petals
without nurses or clocks.
Let us consider the view:
A house where white clouds
decorate the muddy halls.
Oh, put away your good words
and your bad words. Spit out
your words like stones!
Come here! Come here!
Come eat my pleasant fruits.